Sunday 23 February 2014

Ad Disapprove​d?See What is Wrong

1) Policy Details Column:
-Select the Ads Tab within either the Campaign or Ad Group level
-Choose the Columns button
-Select "Customize Columns"
-Under the Attributes section, add "Policy Details" and select Apply

What does this do? Once this column is added in, you will be able to see the exact policy (and link for more information) that the ad is falling under adjacent to the ad. Many times a simple edit of the ad will fix the issue.

2) Filter
-Select the Ads Tab within either the Campaign or Ad Group level
-Select Filter then Add Filter
-Choose to Filter by Approval Status
-Check the boxes next to what type of ads you would like to view
What does this do? If you receive a notification stating that you have disapproved ads, or if you would like to only view ads that have a certain status without scrolling up and down this filter will allow you to view ONLY those ads with the designated status. **Tip: make sure to remove the filter after you are finished to be able to view all ads.

3) Policy Change Log
Click on the following link: Policy Change Log

What does this do? If you are not sure if your industry has specific policies, or if you know your industry has specific policies and would like to stay up to date with changes, is is a great resource to bookmark. This is also a great starting place for issues where your ad was running, the subsequently got disapproved--often times this is due to a policy change.

4) Click on Your Ad in AdWords
-Select the Ads Tab within either the Campaign or Ad Group level
-Click on the headline of the ad
What does this do? It may seem simple, but often times if there is a policy issue with the URL/site not working it can easily be troubleshooted by clicking on the ad itself. We are all human, right? Sometimes a simple typo may be causing the ad to go to a non-existent page or have the destination/display URL not match up.

5) Do You Need Certification?
Click on the following links:
Healthcare and Medicines
Casinos and Gambling

What does this do? To keep our ads reliable and safe, certain industries require a certificate to run. If you notice that certain keywords are not triggering your ads or you are disapproved because a certificate is needed, these links will provide you with the necessary information to guide you to the right path.

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